MushroomLink at the AMGA conference 2022: Folkert Moll - The future of Mushroom sustainability

Folkert Moll, Kekkilä-BVB

As the pressure to move away from peat mining grows, coupled with other global supply chain pressures, alternative sources of casing substrates is the key issue for the sustainable future of the mushroom industry.

Despite these pressing challenges, Folkert Moll from Kekkilä-BVB in the Netherlands believes that the future is bright. With heavy research investment into peat alternatives, and commitment to the rehabilitation of peat ecosystems, the horticultural industry can be completely peat-free by 2050.

In this short interview at the recent AMGA conference in Adelaide, Folkert outlined his company’s efforts in sustainability, and hinted at some very exciting European research in alternative casings as part of the Bioschamp project.

Want to see more from the AMGA conference? click here to view presentations and listen to other podcasts.


MushroomLink at the AMGA conference 2022: Ralph Noble - Peat alternatives


MushroomLink at the AMGA conference 2022: Jack Lemmen - Efficient harvesting systems part two